Break these 7 habits to protect teeth
Our teeth are subject to damage due to multiple factors, including age and other health conditions. Moreover, there are certain unhealthy habits that could worsen teeth deterioration and also affect the effectiveness of dental procedures carried out by a trained professional. Further, such damage could cause pain that may affect one’s ability to carry out daily tasks. So, one must steer clear of these seven habits to prevent tooth damage and reduce infections. Chewing ice While ice helps stay hydrated and refreshed in the summer, munching on the solid may expose the teeth to cold temperatures, which could result in dental fractures. To avoid such damage, one must avoid biting ice. If they want to use it to chill their drink, they should drink beverages with a straw to avoid direct contact with the solid substance. Biting nails Generally, several people bite their nails when they get nervous or stressed. But this could lead to the chipping of one or more teeth, which could also impact the jaw. Moreover, a lot of bacteria may sit below the fingernails, which could also cause disease after contact with the gums. Therefore, an individual should look for ways to avoid biting their nails by indulging in stress management techniques.
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